our new album resilience out now
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New website online
Maybe you already noticed it by yoursef! Enjoy it and use this place as a reference to keep in contact with the activity of the band, to watch our videos, buy our merchandise and so on. Use our social or the contact page to write us about booking proposal or just to...
New video online
Teaming up with the crew of Sanda Movies ( https://www.facebook.com/sandamovies/ ), Lahmia produced the music video for their second single extracted out of "Resilience": the album's first track "Elegy for a Dying Sun". Shot during the last two months of the 2018, it...
New Lyric video
On the 2nd of January 2019, Scarlet Records published via Youtube the lyric video of the single "Her Frantic Call", the second track of the new album "Resilience". It was skilfully produced by Stefano Mastronicola and had an outstanding response from the public. Still...
Lahmia live in Rome at March
To kick things off after the release of the new album "Resilience" on the 18th of January 2019, the band is teaming up with long time friends Black Therapy for a live show never seen before, in order to both give the fans a taste of what is about to come and to...